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5 Tips for Accounting and Financial Professionals Balancing Work and Family this Holiday Season

Are you ready for the holidays? Shopping, parties, community and family get-togethers — lots of activities to keep track of in the final weeks of the year. All the things we love about this time of year can sometimes feel like a balancing act.

Unfortunately, a busy social calendar doesn’t excuse you from work. November and December can also be a busy time for accounting and financial professionals trying to close out the year and get ready for what’s in store once the calendar turns to January.

These competing priorities can cause a major clash during the holidays. You need to take steps to keep your work and home lives in balance in the final months of the year. Here’s a few tips to make it easier:

How to Find Balance Between Work and Family During the Holidays

Make Boundaries and Priorities

As you get deeper into the holiday season, the demands on your time will intensify. More than ever, you need to create boundaries between your home and work life. Here are a few steps to take to make balancing this possible:

  • Talk to your family
  • Communicate with your supervisors
  • Understand your work deadlines
  • Prioritize important events in your personal life
  • Make time for yourself

Keep to a Schedule

Holiday fun might seem better if it comes spontaneously. Who doesn’t love an impromptu snow angel or a quick trip to the store for some egg nog?

There might be a romantic appeal in keeping your plans loose. However, in reality, a lack of planning usually leads to added stress and, ultimately, less time to fit in everything you want to do.

Usually, you’re more likely to have a good holiday experience if you provide some structure. It may feel like squeezing the fun out of the holidays. But a schedule will actually let you squeeze more in.

Realize You Can’t Do Everything

The holidays come with added anxiety. The increased pressures on your time contribute to this stress. However, this feeling of uneasiness gets worse when you realize you can’t fulfill every demand on your attention.

You can minimize this impact by realizing you can’t do everything. Understand your limits and don’t stretch yourself too thin. Focus on your priorities and don’t worry about the less-important tasks that might have to wait for the new year.

Stay in the Moment

With your work life and personal life running on parallel tracks, it’s easy to become focused on the next item on your to-do list. As a result, you spend part of your work time thinking about the presents you want to buy or the decorations you need to put up. Meanwhile, when you head to a holiday dinner, your mind starts to wander to your next work deadline.

Try to break this habit. Stay in the moment. You’ll be more efficient at work, giving you more time for your personal responsibilities. At the same time, you’ll get more joy out of time with family and friends.

Make Plans for a Better New Year

Balancing your values is often difficult. (Just ask the nine ladies dancing.) You might not be able to reach a viable long-term equilibrium during the hectic holiday season.

Don’t lose heart if you come up short. The end of the year offers a chance for New Year’s resolutions and goals. Put “creating a better work/life balance” on your list.

Make whatever progress you can during the holidays. Build on that once 2022 begins. Moreover, learn from your experiences and use those lessons to improve your efforts next year.

Need a Better Work-Life Balance?

Balancing work and family gets easier when you have the right job. Elby Professional Services can find the perfect position for your lifestyle.

Contact Elby today to get the most out of your personal and professional life.
