5 Ways to Grow Your Company Culture

5 Ways to Grow Your Company Culture | Elby

Your company culture says a lot about your business and how it operates. Ideally, you want your employees to embrace your business’ culture. However, it can be tricky to get employees to buy into your culture. If you are not careful, your culture may inadvertently do more harm than good. Over time, your culture can […]

Ways to Become a Better Active Listener to Your Workforce

Ways to Become a Better Active Listener to Your Workforce | Elby

You want your employees to feel heard. To accomplish your goal, you need to be an active listener. Otherwise, your workers may feel like you are tuning them out. This can impact workplace satisfaction. And it may lead your workers to look elsewhere to achieve their career aspirations.    There are many things that you […]

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help with Hiring

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help with Hiring | Elby

Artificial intelligence (AI) may seem scary to recruiters and hiring managers. Yet, AI can actually help you with hiring. If you know the ins and outs of AI, you can recruit top talent faster and more efficiently than ever before.   There are several things you can do to incorporate AI into your hiring process. These […]

5 Tips to Boost Employee Engagement in Your Organization

5 Tips to Boost Employee Engagement in Your Organization | Elby

You want your employees to feel engaged in their day-to-day work. Despite your efforts to date, employee engagement remains an issue.   A lack of employee engagement can hamper your organization and its workforce. If your employees feel disengaged, they are unlikely to do their best. Meanwhile, disengaged employees are likely dissatisfied with their jobs. Thus, […]

What to Remember When You Hire Gen Z Candidates

What to Remember When You Hire Gen Z Candidates | Elby

Generation Z includes anyone born from 1997 onward. The generation is increasingly entering the global workforce. And, if you plan accordingly, you are well equipped to attract and retain Gen Z talent.   Research indicates the Gen Z population includes more than 68 million people. Thus, if you know how to attract Gen Z talent, you […]

Talent Search: Social Media Activity Red Flags to Watch for

Talent Search: Social Media Activity Red Flags to Watch for | Elby

You want the best job candidates to apply for roles with your organization. In many instances, you have the opportunity to pursue candidates across a large talent pool. Yet, as you search for the ideal candidate to fill a role, you should check out their social media activity. Otherwise, you may inadvertently hire a candidate […]