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Why an In-Office Position May Be Best for You!

The pandemic has had a long-lasting impact. Many companies changed their operations during the COVID restrictions and are struggling to determine how (and whether) to go back to the days before 2020.

For workers, this has been most widely felt in work schedules. The rise of remote work has opened up new possibilities. But are at-home options the best choice for your career?

Across the industry, many individuals have preferred a hybrid model integrated into their work schedules. At the same time, there are a number of employees that have found value with in-person operations, with a number of benefits tied towards their teamwork and collaboration efforts.

What about you? Will your career benefit from taking an in-office role? Here are some specifics to keep in mind as you plan your next career move:

Opportunities That Can Come with an In-Office Position!

Experience Improved Casual Collaboration

In a remote situation, contact with your coworkers needs to be very purposeful. You can’t just bump into them in the break room. This undermines the possibility of unexpected opportunities to connect.

Returning to an in-office setting, you get those chances back. It becomes easier to participate in casual collaboration, making innovation and relationship-building easier. At certain points in your career, this represents a crucial way to drive your professional development forward.

Learn from Observing Your Colleagues

In-office work also offers different types of learning experiences. It’s easier to absorb information passively. Just by watching your managers and coworkers, you can pick up new tricks.

Some of these upgrades involve small tweaks to your work process, as you see little differences in how your coworkers go about their daily routines. At the same time, you can also spot other major skill upgrades that you should pursue.

Stay Focused

An in-person role lets you keep focused on work. Remote positions often come with distractions, the unavoidable interruptions and diversions that come from operating at home. With a return to the office, you can block out these outside concerns and laser-target your attention.

Ultimately, this can lead to improved overall work/life balance. It also gets easier to leave work at the office. You get additional efficiency in your professional life and can be more present during your personal time.

Get to Know Your Coworkers Better

It’s hard to build a personal connection with your colleagues online. Remote work creates a barrier between you and your coworkers. By returning to the office, you have the opportunity to nurture stronger bonds.

This can have both psychological and professional upsides. The biggest benefit comes from your ability to make friends and develop meaningful relationships. But even on a strictly career-oriented view, these improved connections lead to better networking possibilities.

Increase Your Connection to Company Culture

Along with building relationships with individual coworkers, you’ll feel a closer connection to your employer as a whole. You can participate more fully in the corporate culture. As with your personal bonds, this will give you higher work satisfaction and a better sense of mission.

Want to Find a Position Right For You? Elby Can Help!

Whatever your ideal schedule, it helps to have expert guidance to find the perfect position. A top recruiter, like Elby Professional Services, can steer you to the best place to make the most out of your skills and experience.

Contact Elby today to get started.

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