Finance jobs come with a high degree of stress. Unfortunately, it’s hard to keep up with short deadlines and a punishing workload once the summer starts heating up. Who can concentrate on spreadsheets when the beach starts calling?
The human instinct toward hibernation is the opposite of most animals. We like to work hard in the winter and take it easy in the summer. After all, it’s easy to stay on-task and motivated in the cold, grey months. But when the sun comes out, the pace of work tends to slow.
Sure, we don’t escape to a cave to sleep through the summer months. But the occasional nap in a hammock would be nice.
How Financial Professionals Can Deal With Burnout
Dealing with the Summer Slow Down
Do you tend to feel the summer doldrums? If it makes you feel better, you’re not alone. Researchers have discovered measurable declines in productivity during the summer.
One study indicated that productivity plummets by a fifth during the summer months. This comes with a 19% drop off in attendance. Meanwhile, the turnaround times on projects increase by 13%.
Still, as a dedicated finance professional, you need to fight this trend. You need to find ways to stay motivated even as the summer heats up.
Set Achievable Goals
Look ahead a bit and imagine yourself at the end of summer (we know…a bit depressing). What do you want to accomplish by then? Answering this question will let you set your goals for the coming months.
Once you have your strategic objectives, you can organize your time better. From there, you can break down the longer-term goals into smaller deadlines. Additionally, try to predict anything that might come up and get you off track.
With bite-sized goals in mind, you can stay on task better. Each day, you can set an achievable target that will give you a point to strive for.
Change Your Schedule
Recognize that summer comes with its own rhythms. Trying to follow your winter routine will only lead to frustration. Take the warmer weather into account and make whatever changes are necessary to maximize your productivity.
Here are a few steps you can consider:
- Start Earlier: By mid-afternoon, the glorious sunshine will likely call you outside. Cram as much work as possible into the morning, so you don’t have to worry as much about productivity once the day heats up.
- Take a Siesta: Schedule a long lunch or a mid-day goof-off period. Then, you can plan the remainder of your day around this rest period.
- Plan for Lazy Fridays: Instead of divvying up your daydream time throughout the week, concentrate it on one day. Work feverishly during the first four days of the week. Then, take some time for summer fun headed into the weekend.
Stay Organized
You can overcome a tendency to daydream by upgrading your organization game. If you can improve your working efficiency and increase your productivity, you can afford to lose an hour or two to summer winds.
Here are a few strategies to keep in mind:
- Find Productivity Tools: There are tons of apps and other software that can help you organize your time better.
- Reward Yourself: A little positive reinforcement couldn’t hurt. Set goals for yourself and give yourself a treat each time you reach one.
- Don’t Over-Adjust: You assume you’ll slack off in summer. As a result, you end up working even harder to compensate. Don’t be that hard on yourself. Remain reasonable about your self-imposed discipline.
Make Sure It’s the Weather
Your summer malaise might not be caused by the rising temperature at all. If you feel a sudden drop in motivation, it could point to a larger problem.
Are you fulfilled in your current role? Have you grown bored with repetitive duties? Do you feel your career has stalled?
Answering questions like these will let you know whether you have a larger problem to consider. Look closely at your current situation. Your lack of mojo might signal that a career change should be in the works.
Considering a Job Upgrade? Elby Can Help!
If you’re ready to start weighing your options, turn to a strong recruiter, like Elby Professional Services. You’ll find the perfect financial position for you, one that will inspire you even during beach weather.
Contact Elby today to learn more.