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Key Traits to Look for in Candidates During Entry-Level Interviews

Ultimately, entry-level interviews are valuable learning experiences. How you approach these sessions is key. If you make the most of an interview, you’ll get insights into what a candidate brings to the table right now. Plus, you’ll learn about a candidate’s potential. On top of these things, you’ll be able to avoid poor hiring decisions.

Of course, completing entry-level interviews and making the most of them is often easier said than done. To help you out, here are traits to consider during interviews with entry-level candidates moving forward. 

1. Communication

There are many reasons why communication skills are important. Generally, a candidate should have no trouble engaging with others and sharing information through a variety of platforms. As such, they’ll be able to provide people with the information they need, when they need it.

To learn about a candidate’s communication skills, watch how they interact with you. Ideally, a candidate is an active listener. This will be reflected in both their verbal and non-verbal cues. 

2. Problem-Solving

A problem-solver will tackle any challenges that come their way. This individual wants to figure out the best solution to a problem. To do so, they will carefully consider a problem and brainstorm solutions. They will also work with others to address problems and prevent them from recurring. 

If you want to learn how a candidate approaches problems, ask them how they would approach an issue they could face at work. Present a candidate with a work scenario or give them the opportunity to solve a problem with your team. This will give you a glimpse into how a candidate deals with problems. 

3. Cultural Fit

To grow your company culture, find candidates who align with it. These individuals want your organisation to thrive. To prove this, they commit time and resources to make each day a success. Furthermore, they are willing to go the extra mile to help your organisation achieve its goals. 

Ask a candidate about their fit within your organisation. Also, let a candidate meet multiple members of your team. From here, you’ll understand how this individual will contribute to your organisation’s success. 

4. Adaptability

When forced to adapt on the fly, an employee should be able to respond accordingly. If they can’t, your organisation could struggle. Alternatively, if they can, your organisation will be able to identify and resolve problems before they escalate. 

To learn how a candidate responds to change, give them the opportunity to prove what they can do. Exercises are excellent opportunities to let a candidate show you what they’ll do under pressure. If an employee adapts to changes well, they may be a great addition to your team. 

Want Help with Entry-Level Interviews?

As an extension of your business, Elby Professional Recruitment can guide you through the interview process. Our team will help you recruit top candidates with the skills your organisation needs. We’ll also ensure that candidates meet your expectations and can become valuable additions to your team. To get started, contact us today.