Year-End Reviews? 6 Tips for Accounting and Finance Professionals Asking For A Raise

As an accounting and finance professional, you know about money. But are you getting enough of it? Your year-end review offers the perfect time to ask for that much-deserved raise — if you know how to make the request in the most effective way possible. About two-thirds of employees received raises after 2019. The pandemic […]
Looking for a Promotion? These Skills Will Make You Stand Out to Leadership

Looking to get ahead in the finance and accounting business? First, you have to realize that it’s a competitive market. To stand out to your company’s leadership, you need ambition, drive, and a diverse set of skills. Ambition and drive you can find within yourself. But for the skills part, you have acquire those over […]
3 Tips For Accounting and Finance Professionals Staying Informed about New Opportunities

We live in the information age. Corporations like Facebook and Apple use data to maximize their bottom lines. Why shouldn’t you? Of course, the scale is different for you compared to massive tech behemoths. Still, as you build an accounting and finance career, you need to stay informed about new opportunities. However, it’s hard to […]
5 Excel Skills That Can Help You Advance as a Finance and Accounting Professional
Excel represents a core tool for any finance and accounting professional. Over 30 million people use the program to create and manage spreadsheets. By mastering high-level Excel skills, you can take your finance career to the next level. After all, finance and accounting success starts with math. That’s the basis of the discipline. However, you […]
Is Your Commute Worth It? How to Find a Great Job Closer To Home
The eventual end of the COVID lockdowns will open up a host of fun and exciting activities. But one part of the pre-pandemic routine will come as an unpleasant chore: commuting. The return of this part of the daily grind might convince you to find a great job closer to home. In normal, non-pandemic times, […]
Summer Heating Up? How to Stay Motivated and Prevent Burnout as a Finance Professionals
Finance jobs come with a high degree of stress. Unfortunately, it’s hard to keep up with short deadlines and a punishing workload once the summer starts heating up. Who can concentrate on spreadsheets when the beach starts calling? The human instinct toward hibernation is the opposite of most animals. We like to work hard in […]