The Challenge
Our client is a midsize private manufacturing company. They have 600 employees in Ontario and another 100 employees in Quebec. The company has a Payroll and Benefits Specialist that reports to the Controller, and they use ADP as their payroll provider.
On a Friday morning before a long weekend the Payroll Specialist came into the Controllers office to let her know that she was giving her 2 weeks notice because she had accepted a new opportunity with a company that was closer to home.
The Controller had three major concerns:
- How am I going to make sure that everyone continues to get paid?
- She has budgets deadlines and does not have time to screen resumes and interview a number of candidates.
- Personality fit for this role is extremely important because this person interacts with so many people in the company. She needs to make sure the hire the right person for the corporate culture.
Our Solution
Elby’s Manager, Client Services came out to meet with the Controller that Friday afternoon to discuss the role and company culture.
Once the requirements were determined the solution was presented to the Controller. Elby would have a Contract Payroll Specialist start the following week so that they could train with the outgoing Payroll & Benefits Specialist to ensure that all employees continued to get paid without interruption.
Elby’s team would search for a full-time permanent Payroll & Benefits Specialist, screen several candidates and have the Controller meet with the top 3 candidates only to help save her time and making hiring the right candidate and easy process for her.
A Contract Payroll Specialist with ADP experience started the following Wednesday and was able to train with the outgoing Payroll & Benefits Specialist. All employees continued to get paid with minimal effort from the Controller.
The Controller was able to hire a new full-time permanent Payroll & Benefits Specialist who had the skillset and the personality fit that she was looking for to fit her team and the company culture.
The Controller had a signed back offer from her new hire within 3 weeks of when she first contacted Elby. The Controller spent a total of 4 hours on the hiring process where in the past she had spend 10-20 if all went well.
The new employee that they hired was able to reduce their daily commute by 50 minutes and day and is extremely happy in her new role.